Function Switch
Sistem Pembukaan Pintu Gelangsar Automatik 自动门系统 Motion Detection Sensor Push Button/Touch Plate Door Opener
The function switch enables a smooth operation for door automation, acess control and alerts. The door operation is determined by registering the operation mode through turning the keys.
These are the operation modes that can be adjusted for automatic door:
Door opens unhindered from inside or outside with maximum openening width
Continuously Open
Door remains opened until another operating mode is selected
One Way
Door opens only in single direction (e.g. shop closing time)
Door is closed and locked if locking system has been iinstalled or in case of power failure
Door opens unhindered from inside or outside with reduced openening width
These are the operation modes that can be adjusted for automatic door:
Door opens unhindered from inside or outside with maximum openening width
Continuously Open
Door remains opened until another operating mode is selected
One Way
Door opens only in single direction (e.g. shop closing time)
Door is closed and locked if locking system has been iinstalled or in case of power failure
Door opens unhindered from inside or outside with reduced openening width